Brew Guide Instructions


The classic Cafetière, perfect for social brewing. Hot water and coarse ground coffee infuse for a few minutes before a mesh filter collects the grounds, the downward pressure increasing the strength of the brew whilst neatly keeping bits and pieces out of your cup.
You will need:
  • Clean Cafetière of a size to suit the occasion
  • Digital Scales or a scoop measure of known volume
  • Medium to coarse ground coffee
  • Brew Ratio: 18g Hot Water : 1g Coffee
  1. Choose and preheat the size of Cafetière to suit the number of cups you want to brew.
  2. Place the Cafetière on the scales, and tare.
  3. Weigh in ground coffee following the ratio suggested above.  As a guide, if using, a level coffee scoop holds c.7-8g.
  4. Ensuring the hot water is off the boil at approx. temperature of 90-94°C / 195-200F, pour over the ground coffee.
  5. Stir the coffee a couple of times to combine, and leave to brew for 3-4 minutes, then gently stir the surface again.
  6. Place the plunger and lid on the pot, and slowly press down, collecting the coffee grounds as you go.

Caution: If pressing requires excessive pressure, the coffee grind may be too fine. Do not force the plunger down, under any circumstances.

Perfect for Cafetière...
+44 (0)1935 481010 Limekiln Farm, Thornford Road, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 6PS
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