Papua New Guinea Madan Estate AA Organic

From £7.50

Green Grape, Vanilla, Lemon

Papua New Guinea is a wonderful, unique Indonesian archipelago.  Home to around 7 million people with an astounding 800 different languages being spoken. A secluded land where tribal culture and values still hold true. The culture here is rich, diverse, and so is their devotion to coffee.

This coffee is from the Madan Estate. A large farm consisting of 246 hectares dedicated to coffee growing.  The Madan estate boasts a dry and wet milling facilities, boasting helpful machinery for processing with sustainability in mind. Chemicals are prohibited on the farm and natural methods are used to combat pests and assist in healthy soil conditions.  Coffee on the farm is shade grown under native trees and sustains much diversity, including tree kangaroos which live happily amongst the coffee trees.

During the harvest, coffee is handpicked and delivered to the mill to be sorted.  The cherries are put through a de-pulper to remove the fruit and then the coffee is transferred to tanks of water to remove any remaining mucilage. Further to the washing process, the cherries are dried in the open sun for 5-6 days and sent to rest in specially curated boxes prior to export.

This farm not only supports agricultural sustainability, but also supports its staff with housing for full time and seasonal employees. A clinic has also been established for staff and their families to receive medical care.  A school and a community center have also been established to help retain and care for workers and their families. Additionally, Madan Estate assists local tribes with the growth and processing of their own coffee.

Our Madan Estate coffee has a wonderfully clean flavour of fresh green grapes, warming vanilla and a hint of lemon.  Best enjoyed as a filter brew, but can also be equally brewed as a dynamic, vibrant single origin espresso!


Papua New Guinea


Mt. Hagen, Waghi Valley, Jiawaka Province




1600 MASL


Arusha, Bourbon, Catimor, Typica


Medium Light

There are two main locales of coffee production across Papua New Guinea, Goroka in the Eastern borders and Mt. Hagen in the Western Highlands. Between these two larger municipalities, is a myriad of lush farmland, hills, hidden coffee gardens and grasslands all of which provide a beautiful backdrop to the gorgeous and native Birds of Paradise.

In 1964,a man named  John Coleman visited PNG and fell in love with the Waghi Valley. He applied for an agricultural lease on some land through the local government and was granted the land known as Madan Estate. He worked hard to prepare the land for coffee production and during this time, found some historical relics whilst in construction.  34 years went by before the Coleman family established their coffee farm. Unfortunately, in the 90’s, after John retired, the land went into disarray.  In 2003, the land was bought by Highland Arabicas Ltd to restore it to its former glory, producing high quality speciality coffee.

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