There are two main locales of coffee production across Papua New Guinea, Goroka in the Eastern borders and Mt. Hagen in the Western Highlands. Between these two larger municipalities, is a myriad of lush farmland, hills, hidden coffee gardens and grasslands all of which provide a beautiful backdrop to the gorgeous and native Birds of Paradise.
In 1964,a man named John Coleman visited PNG and fell in love with the Waghi Valley. He applied for an agricultural lease on some land through the local government and was granted the land known as Madan Estate. He worked hard to prepare the land for coffee production and during this time, found some historical relics whilst in construction. 34 years went by before the Coleman family established their coffee farm. Unfortunately, in the 90’s, after John retired, the land went into disarray. In 2003, the land was bought by Highland Arabicas Ltd to restore it to its former glory, producing high quality speciality coffee.